Monday, December 15, 2008

You suck!

No, this blog post is not going to be about Keit :)
This blog post is dedicated to all idiots who think that all people are the same! Got a news for you, no their not!
You know how weird and unpleasant it is, when someone asks "Hey, do you like Jonas Brothers? "( as an example), and i will say " No, I don´t!" and the person freaks out " You don't! Omgosh, how can that be, they are like the ultra most awesome three chorded ´i love you songs´type of garage band! And i will say no again and the person is ready to jump on me and kill me, because i just don't like that band! There are three things in the world that are pointless to argue about " politics, quisines and music!"
Everybody ahs their own taste of music and you can't say that their taste sucks, because they can say the same about your music taste. It really ticks me off, when people say " Maroon5 sucks my socks off! I like 50 cent, its better then Maroon 5!" Hello!!!! That is what you think, but walk around insulting peoples musical taste, that just shows what a lamebrain you are!
Don't feel like talking about it anymore!
Take care!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Ummm, I like Maroon 5! And I have a funny story about the Jonas Brothers. Before moving to America and for the first weeks here I was determined to fit in and know what was cool. So since the JoBros are popular I listened to them and some other irritatingly popular American music. And so my first day at my new corps I thought that the best way to get the kids to like me would be to sing some Jonas Brothers. So I sang, "When you look me in the eyes". Big mistake. Now an 11 year old girl named Kiana has a huge crush on me, and I feel kind of dumb...OMJ! :-P