Friday, December 12, 2008

Estonians seem to not have the Christmas Spirit!!!

Yes! You read right! Up til now, i have seen no Estonians who have the holiday spirit!Believe it or not, but it is true!
The Salvation Army here in Estonia organizes Christmas collection every year! So, i volunteered to stand in Raekoja plats ( Town center) near The Christmas tree. off course there is also the Christmas market! The people there are obviously not in the Christmas mood! The whole time me and Elizabeth stood there, the sails people (women) started giving us evil looks!
So once the band came into replace us, you should have seen the faces of those ladies. They were so mean and jerky about it. They asked the band to move, because it bothered them and they couldn't communicate with theyr clients! FINE! The band moved. And again they complaind that the music was too loud! HELLO! They were the only ones complaining, people passing seemed to enjoy it very much, people stopped to listen to the christmas songs. But no, the market workers weren't pleased! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!News flash. Every weekend there is a conert at 14:00. Why wont they go and telle tyhem to move the stage somewhere else, or better yet, tell them to switch off the speakers!!!! I eamn, get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know what it is, it seems that most of our people don't have the Xmas spirit yet, hopefully it will join them soon!

1 comment:

Chris said...

I stood kettles over over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks and I noticed that lots of people don't have Christmas spirit. One person came up to me and told me that the sound of me ringing the bell irritated them so much that they were, "tempted to shove that piece of shit up your ass!" Rather a fun job! :-)