Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Interesting that i bring out this topic, I , out of all people who would actually not mind having a bf. Why? Because i am sick of people treating this topic like the matter of life and death!!! Omgosh, Anneli, you don't have a a bf? What, really? Why? Its like so important to have one just to show off!
For teenagers having a bf or a gf is nothing to do with love, crush yes, but not love!!! So many Estonian teens switch their 'beloved ones' like every three months. Having a boyfriend or a girfriend is a trend, nothing more but a trend. I am not sayng that all people are treating it like a fashion statement, there are definetly some people out there who have a bf or a gf at the age of 16, their relationship lasts for 7 years and they get married. But lets face the truth, there are not many!!!!
Am i any different if i apperantly don't have anyone at the moment! OMGOSH!! Anneli you are 20, pull yourself together, go hunt one down...Well, wouldn't be a problem for me, it's just that i don't want one right now.
How can people get together after knowing each other for 1 or 2 days and say that they are soo madly inlove with each other? Hello, you must of talked for 42 hours about everything, nonstop!!!
Correckt me if i am wrong, but realtionships are about trust, love, care etc. How can you trust someone you know for 1 or 2 days? How can you care for them, if you don't even know who they truly are?

Im not going to say that i don't wish i had a bf! Off course i do, often i find myself thinking about how i want to be safe in someones arms, feel the warmth of his body, enraptured by him! Yes i do want all that, but that does not make me run out on the streets and search for a bf!!!!
Girls, boys think about it before jumping into relationships, breaking up with a person you don't truly love hurts too!!!


Chris said...

:-D Reading this post made really happy! I totally agree with you! Here at college all these stupid freshman are running around, hooking up, being absolutely idiotic! Of course I want a girlfriend. But not now. We don't need to be thinking about this right now. Way to stay single!

Kapten Clark said...

Remember the dream God gave you?

"I don't know...it was as if I knew him....I asked him who is he...he just pushed me pack gently and said confidently..."I love you and no matter what..don't give yourself away to anybody....just wait for me" and he disappeared.....I don't even know...how could I remember this dream...I can still hear his voice....I can still remember"

Anonymous said...


I'm not.... oh, maybe I don't count right? I'm not supposed to be a teen anymore (keep forgetting that). One thing that I regret though is that in my real teen years I was not as wise and mature as you now seem to be.

Someone really special is in store for you. When God shows that person, get ready for the best blessing you'll ever have.


PS: I'll be there for the commissioning of the new couple some years later.