Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Miss Teen South Carolina

"Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?"

OK, before i give you her answer, what do you think it will be like? She looks pretty, but does she have the brains for this question?

OK, i know this whole Miss Teen "i personally believe" thing is old, but i just cant leave it out of my blog.

So what did she say? Her answer to this question was ( you better appreciate it, it took me a while to understand what she said, so i could write it on my blog)....

" I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some ... people out there in our nation don't have maps, and, uh, i believe that our education like such as South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and ...I believe that they should, our education over here in the US, er, should help the US ,er should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children"

OK, now who could translate for me, what she had just said?? The Iraq? South Africa, Asian countries, what do these countries have to do with the American education???

And whats up with the US Americans?? who are the US Americans...I bet Mexicans call themselves US Mexicans or US Latinos, or is there another option of UK Americans, EU Americans.

Why would Asian countries need help with education. Japan has a far out technology and the system of education is well built up, India's education is majoring in IT, people in India are extremely smart.

And maps are not the reason why some Americans cant locate US on a world map, i don't know how well they teach Geography in American schools, but i bet that they have maps in the school books.

I don't know, i would like to get some feedback on what you think is really the reason, and what do you think about the answer of miss Teen South Carolina.

Thank you!


Kapten Clark said...

It's because she's from South Carolina! ;-)

Anonymous said...

okay first of all can I just say that was one of the most confusing things I have ever "heard" a person say. And I am sure she has no idea what she even said, or meant! I dont know why she brought up other countries but I can tell you that America as a whole...not everyone but probably a good portion, are very USA focused. They think that we are the best, the fastest, the smartest etc. When the fact of the matter is we arent! I know when I was in school I learned about other countries but I could not tell you one thing that I learned. I am almost positive that I was taught 3 fold more about my own country and I am sure the books and teachers probably made us sound "big and bad" which is where so many Americans get it from I think..some schooling, television etc. As for Americans not even being able to point our country out on a map..that is just ridiculous! I am by nature, geographically challenged but I know where the country I live in is! Im not sure there is an excuse for that. I recently went to England and was talking to some of the kids in school there and I am convinced that they have a better education then I've seen most kids have over here. Maybe we as a nation dont value it as much, too focused on being America's Next Top Model or Miss America to know where exactly on the globe we are!

Okay might have gone a little over board and on a rant..haha..sorry!
And I dont mean to bash my own country or anything..just a few thoughts! =)

Chris said...

Dude, I don't even know where America is. It's like, next to, uh, South Africa and The Iraq, and, um, my maps have pretty colors. And isn't Canada like, a state or something? ;-P

Chris said...

Btw, I agree with you relientkcar2. American is way too busy checking itself out. Let's go look at the beautiful wonderful world OUTSIDE!