Sunday, May 17, 2009

Im half russian, and very proud of it!

I had a very interesting conversation (on msn) with my ex-classmate. She strongly hates Russians, because of our history with Russia! She never learned russian, even though you must learn it because many jobs in Estonia require it! She never did. I was fine with that, I mean, it was her Estonian pride. But a week ago, she got kind of agressive with her words. She said " Anneli, why doesen't the government just send all russians back to their country, we would have more jobs here, less problems!" I took it kind of calmly, it's not the first time iv ever heard this kind of phrase. So i just kindly replied " But that woult mean id loose my mother?!" She then quickly replied "Well, she has a blue passport, doesen't she?" I replied " Yes, she has an Estonian not a wolv's passport (note: wolv's passport is a gray russian passport!"), but so do half of the Russians living in Estonia, so that really wouldn't change anything now would it?"
She didn't reply for a while. Iv never been patriotic about Estonia or Russia, but i allways get angry if a Russian starts dissing Estonia or an Estonian starts dissing Russia!!! So then she suddenly sais " I wish they would all die suddenly, i wish swine flue came to Estonia and would kill most of them!" now this was just sick, disliking is one thing, but to the point where it gets to wishing death to someone, its just sick!!! I felt how my cheeks turned red from anger. My hands were shaking in rage. " What the heck is that supposed to mean, how did the people harm you, what have they ever done to you or your family?" I said..
"Their simple excistance in this country is insulting our pride!"
I was ready to basically find a person online who would just send her a virus on her PC! I was soo getting out of control, now friends who know me, you should not tick me off! I complitely lost my temper and went on saing things i shouldn't. I called her a stupid girl, who doesen't even care about people. The truth is, Estonian youth is not very patriotic, they are slowly destroing the culture, they are killing the language by adding english words into it! And this girl here is talking about pride? How the heck did the russians, no not russians, how did the people of Estonia hurt her? it's a time of peace right now, and wishing for somones death???There must be something wrong with you!! I don't hate the girl, i feel sorry for her. Having such an amount of hatred in your heart, having it so much in your bones that it brings out the wish to kill an innocent person you have never met in your intire life, it is actually sad. How can you live, if rage comes over you every time you see a russian? How do you live with yourself?

But i hold her in my prayers that someday she will have an encounter with a friendly and kind russian-estonian, who might change her way of thinking :)