Monday, September 15, 2008

You had it coming!

Why do people persist on making stupid lame comments to people who are short tempered, they know it, but they still do it? And then later blame them for their reaction?
One of my acquaintances did so, i am not going to name any names, because most of my blog readers would not know that person and it really doesn't matter, because my blog post is not about that person, but about the comment that they decided to write, even knowing my reaction.

Usually i like criticism, specially when it is about my art work, my job or my new hairstyle or what ever. I can even take criticism from people i don't know. But there are 3 people on my list, that i will never tolerate any sorts of comments from. I cannot force my self to like these people. And i think they know it pretty well. But about a week ago, one of those three made a comment about a picture of me, that is up on Facebook. In that picture i am wearing shorts (obviously they are short) , a red top (my upper area covered, belly covered). She wrote, if she would of worn clothes like that then my Corps officers would of told her off for it. Well, mostly she was told off because unnecessary parts of body were showing. Iv been told off many times, because my shirt or skirt was too short, i don't make a big deal out of it, and i don't feel the need to write other people comments of what would of happened to me if i would of done the same thing or if i would of worn clothes like that, because it is not my business if someone is wearing something that i would usually be told off for!
I am not proud of my personality, i am not proud of the fact that i get ticked off pretty easely, but that is my nature, that is my personality, i am not sorry for beeing born like that, but people who make friends with me know it. Many people don't like it. The person who wrote that comment never liked me, i am not sayng she hated me, but she didnt tolerate me, i can understand that pretty well, but she should of known that my responce will be agressive.
Even with my agressive nature, i still have friends, they still criticise me, hahahah, but i respect them as people and i expect them to do so. But people, if you know the persons nature, why do you persist on doing something you know will upset them and end you up in another fight?

This post is not about the person, but i am just trying to figure why would you risk with having another fight, just to make a comment about others clothes?